1. This is exactly what I was originally envisioning when you talked about this idea. The images work well together. How are you going to incorporate them in your book? On the same page or opposite pages. -sky

  2. The concept and the angles of this set are great, but I'll be honest and say that I'm not too excited about this location. All of your other locations are absolutely breath-taking and at awesome locations around town. Maybe either try adding more of the house, or taking it out completely or maybe try some of the buildings in the downtown area. Maybe some of the big mansions on Scenic?

  3. Much better with keeping the angles the same! Maybe try taking some shots of a large field or a swampy area, I could see that working well.

  4. I like it. the reflected light was existed with this picture. but, it was not clearly appeared. if u take more clear light from the sun, it will have more aswsome veiw.

  5. I agree with Sky, this is what I was thinking when you were talking about this idea in class. i think the images are beautiful. My favorite is the night view. The colors are stunning, it almost doesn't seem real.

  6. Along with everyone else, the angle is better. The night sky is gorgeous.

  7. These two new photos look a lot better. The night photo appears to have been taken from the same angle and location as the daytime photo. That was a problem from before and you have improved on it. The only thing that I would do differently is to tilt your camera down just a bit to include more of the buildings.

    --Nick Miller

  8. These newest photos work well. I like how you have more of an emphasis on the sky in these photos. They work well together.


  9. Love these two photos. The contrast in colors work well next to each other. Very strong idea.


  10. i like the purple colors you got in one of your newer photos. i like your night images better. keep looking for interesting subjects to photograph. right now they dont capture the eye super well. i think it will get there tho.

  11. Color attract the eye to certain perspectives in photos. I think varied locations and angles would make the viewer want to see more.


  12. This is really what I was hoping to see. I really like that you are using the same angle for both the day and the night photo. I like it. Keep it up!

  13. Yeah i like that its the same angle... it make the comparison make more sense.

  14. It's still looking great! Now that I've seen the 2 new photos you put up, I like how you took the exact same angle for both of them. It is obvious that these are the same location, just taken at different times. I think these 2 and the 1st location you chose are the strongest. I would try to continue to do the same angle for both shots of the same location. I hope I'm making sense! Great photos!! Keep up the great work!

    Melissa :)

  15. this new photo is really strong because it is pretty much the same photo so you can study the differences more. i would like to see more photos of architecture or objects so we can see the difference in the tangible environment as well as the sky.

  16. I think these two photos are the strongest of the bunch so far. The composition is really great in these with the way your eye is lead throughout the photo in both of them with the clouds in one and the lights in the other. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see more!

