these 3 new pics are all daytime, so i still have to get night pics. the first pic posted of the courthouse is set at 11"x7" but i think it stretched it to much. i may try to crop the pics to make them work at that size or just leave them as they are and go with a different size. any suggestions?


  1. I cannot tell that it has been stretched but if it is overtly obvious in other instances, really do not do it.

    How many photo's do you need before your book is complete?

  2. I really like the new pictures. I'm anxious to see the night shots. I wish I could help with the book issues. I haven't fiddled with blurb so I'm not sure.

  3. I like what you have done with the front cover. I'm really interested to see the night shots. Keep up the good work!


  4. Try using InDesign. It makes designing multiple pages and placing photos in a way to fit a page size sooo much easier!

  5. Looks good... are you posting the night shots soon?

  6. I LOVE the cover!!!! AWESOME!! The inside page is really cool too! I can't wait to see your book! :D

  7. the cover is looking good. its a lot easier to see now that it is not so busy.

  8. I especially enjoy the photos you have taken within the downtown Pensacola area. There are so many great things there to take photos of. I'm fairly new to the Pensacola area, so when I actually got a chance to see downtown Pensacola I was surprised to see so much there. I can't wait to see the night shots of the photos you've posted.

    --Nick Miller

  9. This is working very well and can't wait to see your night images.

  10. I love the new cover design. It is very simple, yet elegant. There are so many places you can go in Pensacola to get cool photos. How about some with people? Keep up the momentum! I can't wait to see your book this fall!

